Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Mother of Time, the missing link

"Grand Mother", Clay, 2" x  3" x  2",  Shaktima Brien
     The missing link of our dysfunctional society lays into the forgotten, original Mother archetype, the eternal feminine.

Wisdom used to be transmitted from generations to generations of women through songs, tales, work and confidences. Many were lost, but many linger in our genes and DNA today.

The reintegration of the feminine consciousness is unfolding, as women and men are developing both sides of the brain.

Accelerating spontaneous creativity, and accessing knowledge of all times via Internet, give everybody a better perspective of who we are and our dormant potential.

Filling the dots with information that have been missing for thousand years, there is no secret to hold back or place to hide anymore.

We don't have to fear what we don't know, as we are shedding light on everything.

Human consciousness is now living in an eternal renewable space, where all in-betweens and under worlds are linked, and rendered accessible.

In the light of prehistoric remembrances, we are becoming aware of our supernatural gifts and use it. Divinity is within, as opposed to divinity without that was acting as parent or father figure to keep us as puer aeternae, eternal children.

We don't have to count on a savior to redeem us from sins. We are rising ourselves to supreme intelligence, enlightenment, acknowledging our individual responsibilities, conscious of the repercussion of our acts on the whole.

Each individual is important, as each petal of a flower to be complete. Look at the lotus as a universal pattern.

We are discovering raw, earthy, spiritual, sexual, and psychic energy to heal ourselves, and save the planet NATURALLY.

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